Joey Diaz is a Cuban-American comedian who was on the Joe Rogan Podcast (for the 1000th time). Shown here smoking a blunt that created a cloud in the podcast studio. Always a fun face to draw.
Have no fear! I haven't lost my head-
I have it right here.
And my neck has a hole where you can pour the beer.
So do me a favor, dear.
Pour it in with a cheer.
It’s always good to find some drawing time on vacation. We went to some weird random small towns in Washington and a ghost town called Burke with some particularly interesting history. I had Cheers playing on my phone while I drew this but no similarity is intended. It’s a classic show but it would have been better without the distracting laugh tracks.
We're at the monster garden where the people were defeated,
A guard is never needed 'cause the monsters must be feeded.
I mean fed. Like I said:
Peeps are happy to be eaten 'cause it's never all that long,
Monsters do the number two and poop them back onto the lawn.
Colored in @escapemotions Rebelle
"Contemplation of the Jump" - drawn & colored in Escape Motions Rebelle.
My drawings are pretty random, but after I make them I think about them a bit... like... what is that girl in that cave room thinking and why is he going to jump?
I should probably know the answers... but I don't.
l dont have much to say since the character tells the whole story, so lets welcome John Wick
You can see all drawing process on Youtube / akinyaman art