This drawing was an attempt at drawing something grotesque as well as a study of a side profile of a person. Alukah is a Hebrew word that means "horse-leech", a type of leech with many teeth that feeds on the throats of animals. Inspired by Jungi Ito's "Slug Girl" and "Leech Woman" from the film Puppet Master.
From my fictional sci-fantasy universe, featured in the planed novell "Tigers Fate" sheduled for as early as 2023. The Monitor in the picture is Nathan, ex-military and a former mercenary. pencil on paper.
first attempt at drawing the back of an character,it was easy since Lime Verde is circular.Major Lime Verde is an old but competent fruit who has successfully stopped drug and arms smuggling in most parts of the city,even crime which of course angers many kingpins.shortly after his 2nd term he gets in a freak accident caused by Paxton Pomegranate (a crook who has ties with a drug lord)for firing him.Paxton soon finds and contracts a replacement.a fitness trainer who happens to be a himbo along with his ditzy although smarter girlfriend.Verde soons finds himself helpless and amnesiac.
A redraw of a drawing I did based off a drawing I did last year,what's different:no more eyelashes,I fixed her weird head shape,she now has jeans because it suits her better,no hair tie,her boots are now red.Algodón means cotton in spanish figured it was a better last name than candy.She was originally a side character in my story but now she's the main character.she's not bubbly or optimistic nor is she a pessimist but a realist.she works as a DEA agent to fight against crime and kingpins,her 1# foe would be ruthleen and parsnip.people don't take her seriously because she's pink,soft and fluffy.despite constant mockery,Clemence is always determined and confident.I might make a reference sheet of her one of these days.