Progression 5 of 6. At this point his face is nearly done and I’ve begun to fill in the shirt. There is still more shading and fine tuning and details needed on to finish off his face, but at this point in a drawing I like to begin filling in the other details to keep some cohesion to the overall piece.
Gentleman Cat was modelled on a victorian oil painting with a special family cat as the star of the show! Part of a pair for a special Christmas present.
This shambling creature haunts the fetid marshlands and is a protector of the birds and beasts who reside there. He's ancient, the last of his kind and a gentle soul who would much rather hide under the sticky mud than come face to face with a stranger.
Creating a doodle mural on wall with craft paint and brush. For more details, visit my blog here
The Manchester Moleskine project sent me one of their custom Moleskines as a winner in one of their contests. It was a grid Moleskine so I asked them what I should draw on the first page, and they suggested the word 'Inspire'.