collaboration with @karim_nihan
Chimney, Trieste, Italy
#IF - Internet This is a little older doodle but thought about it for Illustration Friday this week.
Have I gone mad???
Teeny tiny micron mandala
Blow Elvis Blow..........
A pangolin pencil sketch.
Another sketch from Austria during the Nomadic Village in the first location with our Gallery on Wheels and other beautiful vans and buses! Austrian mountains are simply beautiful !! :) enjoy
Head Cold- Collage and ink
Seattle based illustrations on Moto Helmet for a good friend
For the creative skaters
The Grim reaper with a knife (linocut print)
Funnest person to draw. Love her
Women #united are stronger Daily drawing #547
Berliner Dom in pen
mountain sketch nr.1. Join me on my journey through 100daysproject on my Instagram: elizaelize
A & W.
Noisy Flats
Lost man in the Enchanted Forest 2016 Ink