UPDATE: I was working on this illustration a while back, but I had no spare time and had to put it aside. The composition was too busy, but now I think it looks a little better. I made a few major changes, like:
• Made adjustments to light sources
• Created bolder outlines
• Got rid of the Knight reading over the dragon's shoulder
Back in May, I wanted to do the #mermaychallenge, an online event where artists draw and share their mermaid illustrations during the entire month of May. But I knew I had limited time, with everything happening that month (buying new home/moving/fixing up the old home to sell), and a fulltime job. I created Mer-Kat, a hybrid kitten/mermaid. I felt this was such a fun new character to explore. Life underwater with a feline-based personality.
Acrylic on canvas. I used my phone to wrote my signature because I I still have a couple details left and a signature was something I didn't add yet, but for the most part, it's finally done
Français : L’Appropriationnisme ou le « Remake » est un concept simple. En effet, il suffit de reprendre le travail d’un artiste et signer la nouvelle production de son nom. Il ne s’agit, en aucun cas, de copier l’œuvre comme pourrait le faire un faussaire. Il ne s’agit pas non plus de plagier l’œuvre.
En ce qui me concerne, j’utilise l’œuvre célèbre d’un artiste reconnu. En réutilisant une œuvre originale préexistante et célèbre, condition sine qua non, je propose de rendre un hommage. Il ne s’agit en aucun cas d’un manque d’inspiration surtout lorsque l’on sait maintenant que : « l’art naît de l’art et non de la nature » : Ernst Gombrich.
Dans cette série, j’ai voulu revisiter des œuvres célèbres en utilisant ma technique graphique de l’éloge de l’approximation mettant en évidence la problématique de la défaillance et de la mémoire vaporeuse.
English: Appropriationism or Remake is a simple concept. Indeed, it is enough to take again the work of an artist and to sign the new production of his name. It is not a question of copying the work as a forger could do. It is not a question of plagiarizing the work.
As far as I'm concerned, I use the famous work of a recognized artist. By reusing a pre-existing and famous original work, condition sine qua non, I propose to pay tribute. It is by no means a lack of inspiration especially when we now know that: "art is born of art and not of nature": Ernst Gombrich.
In this series, I wanted to revisit famous works using my graphic technique of praising the approximation highlighting the problem of failure and vaporous memory.