I started a project of hunt illustrations, where things in the image need to be found. In this, the objects were: Lost iPhone, murder weapon, portal to another world, glass half empty and banana. (This is the pre-digital illustration which I don’t usually share but felt like a change!)
I've been experimenting with colour pallets and line width. Also trying to do LESS - my natural tendency is to add everything so cutting back is quite hard, but I think works better.
I've spent recent lockdown days watching far too many Youtube videos about attachment styles and honestly it makes a lot of sense. Here is a little message for my anxious preoccupied self
I made myself some motivational stickers to (hopefully) help with the CONSTANT negative self-talk that seems to be an innate part of my creative practice
Sore wrist makes for slow productivity. This is once again Amar and Augustine. This time in a different setting. When my hubby and I play with these characters we end up sticking them into different settings and situations just to see how they will behave and how their relationship develops under different circumstances.
Still drawing, I'm just slow at it. Have a page of drawings which was part of a challenge "Fill a page with words from 1 letter". I got N. Guess what the words are ;D