Hi! I’m Sydney! Or Syd, if we’re close like that. I’m 31, a a mother to one girl, and from Massachusetts. My journey with art started in 2019 when I got into adult coloring. The more I got into it, the more I started experimenting with different mediums on my coloring pages. Which then eventually lead me to watercolor. Once I started taking that more seriously, it kind of just took off and I’ve been obsessed with it ever since. Watercolor had also lead me to gouache. Then I picked up alcohol ink. And last but not least, oil pastels. I bounce around between all of them, but watercolor and gouache have my heart. Anywho, that’s enough I’m about me. I’m not sure how this site works but I’d love to meet like minded art people! So if we have anything in common or you’re just looking for an art friend feel free to reach out to me if that’s possible on here. (Still trying to figure the site out lol) Bye for now!
I specialize in alcohol ink, gouache, oil pastel, watercolor.