Inktober 2020, Day 24: "Dig". Just a front-end loader based on a photo on Wikimedia commons. I have to say this one brought weird flashbacks from very early childhood. I haven’t really been drawing construction machines since I was a 5 or something like that :D Brushpens and posca on brown A4
Inktober Prompt: RIP (I suspect that it was rip=tear, but since Halloween is just around the corner, Rest In Peace seemed a timely prompt :-) Shaeffer Tuckaway fountain pen, Hero blue black ink
Inktober 2020, day 11: "Disgusting". A license not to do the dishes thanks to art! :D
Although I got too carried away trying to capture the reflections to really capture the effect I was after. Also, even though I try to do a line drawing and ink it, my painterly sensibilities keep coming through. When I get a brush pen, I use it like a brush...