Saga of bunny like creatures continues
Playing with colored inks at fountain pen
Study of bird at light and shadows of leaves
Play of shadows & light at leaves
The madnesses conspired, and this was the result.
Inspired by a very drum and music heavy weekend that's just left us. Cracking times had by all I'd say!
Acrylic on canvas - 59cm × 83cm
Acrylic on canvas
Acrylic on canvas - 25cm × 30cm
It’s housefly season. Thank goodness for screen doors.
What do you see?... P.s. my doodles only get weirder from this post on.
Here's some Optopus!
A few sprawling critters from my sketchbook...
Cute little watercolor whales
Bonne Voyage. 2017 Sketchbook. Coffe and Ink. @ Ania Pawlik 2017
5" x 7" pen and pencil on ingres paper.
"Let's get wet again," said the rusty robot.
Bunch of cats