I stated with a rough pencil sketch then inked it with a brush pen and colored it with watercolor and gouache on a watercolor postcard. Reference I used was this excellent photo - https://www.pexels.com/photo/tree-wild-squirrel-monkey-97827/ photo by Mike from Pexels.com
Here is a painting I made from observation on the top of Mont Bélair in Canada, just before sunset.
I am painting those in a 5x8 very convenient moleskin watercolor book. I previously eyeballed the dimensions of this book at 4x6 when I had no ruler to verify but I was slightly wrong. Now the info is exact. :)
This watercolour painting was inspired by another artists brilliant work (I'm afraid I don't know the name). Absolutely loved doing this piece. My mother asks why I always do sad paintings and thinks I should do more happy ones. What do you think? Comment Below
Illustration painted with watercolors and outlined with pink pen. The borders were achieved with washi tape (low tack and unlikely to tear up your paper.)
I’m 32 days into a 100 day project of little paintings to reclaim moments of creative joy with no strings attached – a daily reminder of what made me want to be an “artist” in the first place. I’m posting daily on my Instagram account @stephdillondesign