Posted the sketch of this earlier, but I thought the ink looked nicer, so here you are! I love dragonflies. Deadly hunters, slaughtering their prey without mercy, yet beguiling enough to somehow convince humans they are harmless as butterflies. They have their own sort of deadly, sleek beauty.
Sketchbook #11.
Since the 100heads challenge was real tiresome for me, I devised myself another challenge - "50 heads". Basically it's a "100 heads challenge", but for lazy people) The rules are simple: I had to draw 10 two-page spreads of 5 heads, no time limit, no nothing. And I decided to use different materials for each spread.
Spread #1 - ballpoint pen (+ a little bit of watercolour) - NEMOPHILA.
Pop art ink drawing in red, pink, and violet hues. The subject is the palm of a hand and curled fingers. The background has blue, green, and turquoise stripes contrasting the colors of the hand. This artistic drawing style uses non local color to create form in the palm hand drawing.
"Picasso upside down drawing exercise" Drawing, from reference that Is turned upside down. This piece ended up having a pretty funny and "unfortunate" accident. Also I want to mention that I have an asd-diagnose which can lead to me overdo/overwork things. This Is a perfect example of just that ;)