I have avoided social media for a couple of months now as it was making me unproductive, unmotivated and all-round less creative. I miss the community of creative social media so I have made this account to post my art anonymously: good or bad; finished or not; unedited and unfiltered. I hold back a lot when making art and even more so when publishing it. This is an opportunity to change that. This is a quick self-portrait just to force myself into creating anything today.
I realized lately that I need to practice more instead of focussing too much on new ideas. So I started with face-practicing since I enjoy that the most. Thank you very much for looking at my drawing!
In an attempt to be much more consistent with my drawing practice (and to tackle my insecurities about showing people my drawings) I am hoping that posting some of my sketches online will help keep me accountable. So day 1 sketch, I managed to find a very cheap used college set of Rotring Rapidograph pens online, when they arrived today I was delighted to see that they had NEVER been used! After a bit of a happy dance I got a couple of the pens assembled and started to figure out how they work. This is a quick sketch on tracing paper not that I was tracing anything I just need to invest in better paper with less tooth to be able to use these pens without having ink flow issues.