I let the chickens and the roosters out to have their daily walk. I need to keep an eye on them, there might be foxes around. The raspberries had ripened, and needed to be collected before they rotted on the branch. The stork flew by, and sat on the roof of the abandoned house nearby. The storks live next-doors, quite lovely neighbors. He was watching the chickens with me.
"I cried because I had no shoes,until I saw a man with no feet....life is full of blessings,sometimes we are too busy to count them"-anon #count ur blessings :)#aristina.z #originals #autodesk sketchbook
I don't know why these all upload sideways, but here's my latest work for the sketchbook. I created the electric field pattern and printed it on photo paper then doodled these rainbow trout (at the suggestion of my friend Andrew) and glued them on.