I had some time in town waiting for my car to be checked. They took a long time, but I didn’t really mind as I had my sketchbook with me. Nearby was a park with a bench looking at this charming scene.
Some LGBTQ+ members of the community can’t openly love who they want to love, so the bars represent that barrier. The fabric, with all its complex folds and creases represents sensuality, desire and love. Love, in all its forms is a complex thing of beauty.-------------
The companion piece to my previous post ‘Ecstasy.’ Agony and Ecstasy were always meant to be a diptych. The issue for me is that there is a two-year gap between the completion of the two - there is a noticeable difference in the the way both were drawn.
Faber Castell pastel pencils, Black and White Generals charcoal pencils on 9” x 12” Strathmore Toned Grey sketchbook paper.
This began as a study of armour. While researching women’s armour , I was annoyed by how sexualised the images were. The women were all beautiful, sexy and usually scantily clad. This seems so stupid. What good is armour that doesn’t cover your most vulnerable parts? So I set out to draw a more realistic warrior, strong and sturdy, suitably clad for the fight.
Here I was trying an experiment using pencil and Tombow watercolour markers for lighter tones with the ink. Not sure how well it works. I am open to feedback.
Classical lighting setup. Finished piece derived from an initial sketch. Model: Meadhbh (Maeve).
H, 4B pencils and white Prismacolor pencil on 9” x 12” Strathmore Toned Grey sketchbook paper.