I took my Cultural Safari sketchbook class to the Nelson Atkins Museum of Art today. My sketch of The Virgin and Child, ca. 1350, France, Limestone Sculpture.
I was fortunate enough to to take my sketchbook class to observe medical students dissect donor cadavers. These donors gave there bodies to science to further our knowledge of the human anatomy and to train our future doctors. We worked alongside the med students and anatomy fellows. It was a humbling and fascinating experience.
This was the best sketchbook I ever owned. It appeared mysteriously and within a year, was gone to the wind. These are the back pages where I was exploring different water and alcohol marker brushes and ballpoint on the amazing vellum-like paper.
A motif I having been enjoying in my sketchbooks lately but this time experimenting with positive and negative space. Watercolor and Posca pen in 8.25x11.75 Moleskine sketchbook.
Recent commission: How do women move forward when doors are continually closing in front of them? Doors that were open in the past are now being closed by those who think that you should live your life the way they do even though your life situation is vastly different from theirs. 2022, 13” x 19” Ballpoint Pen on Paper, Digital. Model: AmyM