Today's doodle sketchbook entry...3-23-17
Red Packard.
Small moleskine ballpoint doodle.
Gold City Rising (Sakura Gold Gel Pens on Acid Free Black Paper 220 GSM)
Buick Roadmaster
1958 Edsel
Not exactly a sketchbook doodle but it's the category that comes closest. Little raptor, no particular species.
I love paying tribute to famous paintings. This one is Breughel "La chute des anges rebelles".
Jumping Spider
the inside of my brain
The Troll.
Old drawing in sketchbook (2013 I think) Touched up beetle in photoshop.
Mariposa Instagram: Tumblr:
Some sketches from the Fullerton College costumed model night. Also a few of students auditioning for voice acting roles a video game project.
Spitting cobra - a ballpoint pen drawing
ink on paper
Kantia Palm.
Grids by Nicwong Instagram: @nicyannawong
Adam and an apple - living in a gap between in instinct and an intellect
Rolling Circles
Two Ink drawings made the other day. Both of them are for sale at ;)
octopus castle
schmincke watercolours and fineliner on sketching paper
whale you? :D
An interpretation of Red Riding Hood for the Sketchbookproject 2017. Done with Stabilo markers, watercolour and india ink.