Drytwig sketching.
Incomplete sketch on the beach. My kind of vacation!
Berliner Dom in pen
Hoot Hollow colouring page
Yesterday's sketchbook page.
Watercolour exploration
I was asked by a kid recently what 'thinking outside the box' means. The only way I could answer was with a watercolor doodle.
Doodled some birds
3D ART on sketchbook
"Love is in the Air"
Prehistoric crocodilian
My current watercolor palette.
This little guy was drawn in a friend's sketchbook. I'm excited with how he turned out and now I want to draw one in my sketchbook too! Pencil, Ink & Highlighter.
all about sociology
More old stuff. Marker and pen.
morning puppet / sketch before sunrise
A page from one of my many Moleskines
Part of a Moleskin Japanese Accordion Notebook.
marker and fineliner in a Hahnemühle pocket size sketchbook
Splash into my mind. 2016 Moleskine Doodle.
Midnight stories