It's a quick digital recreation of my last gouache painting.
And I don't like it very much.
- I had trouble finding a good brush for painting leaves on the top of the tree.
- There is no magic like in traditional art.
- I didn't enjoy drawing as much as painting with gouache.
- I couldn't peel off the tape when I was done.
This year I'm discovering a new art medium - gouache. I'm going to paint more traditional art with gouache and watercolor.
Recently I purchased a great Domestika Course by Ruth Wilshaw: "Painting Atmospheric Landscapes with Gouache." to learn and develop my painting skills.
And here it's - the result of silhouettes practice. I'm so glad because it's a second attempt at gouache painting. I fell in love with this art medium!
Click link for more weird stuff like this, thinking of making something animated like this, IDK, what do you think ?