Heavily inspired by the stay puft marshmallow man, marshmallow imps are very playful,loving and love hugs, Sourglum accidentally summoned them in her castle which ended up being infested by them,they get attached easily (they're very sticky) she gets angry and banishes them since they are not dangerous or violent to attack Sweetnette and her kingdom.they are slow but jump a lot they also giggle (Pillsbury Doughboy) they randomly teleport themselves from hell into Sourglum's castle.at the end she decides to keep them although as her loyal servants.
Old piece of art I did for my Balboa High School art class showing the view from the back porch of my house in San Francisco. (Colored pencil and ink.)
Introducing Princess Sweetnette,an OC I created a while ago last year, heavily inspired by Lady Lovely Locks and Strawberry Shortcake.She's a cotton candy princess who goes to adventures along with her sidekick Prince Cotton Fluffe,her mother is Queen Yelinda ,a green cotton candy queen.her arch nemesis is Princess Sourglum,she is evil and spiteful wanting to take over her kingdom and land alongside is his cunning,sneaky father who often aides her when she needs to.her kingdom is heavily inspired by Candy land as well.she has a talking magical wand named Harty who is always eager to help and always protects 15-Sweetnette from any evil.
Done 2014 w/lead pencil on green colored 8.5x11 copy paper .Original art for sale $30+s/h At the time I had dragon age Inquisition video game and before that game came out i already played dragon age and dragon age 2 both of them were really good games and i wanted to draw some characters from that video game. I created the other characters as well, but i dunno what happened to the original artwork i feel i threw it out . I did not like the Dragon age inquisition much as the other 2 games of Dragon age. I am open for commission using color pencil or lead pencil for original artwork of subject matters such as Sci-fi, Fantasy, Horror, Comics, Fanart, NSFW, Surreal art, Whimsical art, Abstract art, and Tattoo designs. Sizes range from 8.5x11, 9x12, 11x14, 11x17. The Commission rate starts from $20 and up. if interested leave a comment or jungmeister4@yahoo.com MY CALENDAR FOR SALE: https://www.artwanted.com/artist.cfm?ArtID=115637&Tab=Calendar
i was just reimagining some Neutral Milk Hotel Lyrics. Most of my art is centered around a short story or quote or music lyric. Mostly single panel stuff.
This scene was inspired by my walk home from work on Monday evening. The Moon was already high up. The weather was windy. The clouds were passing by fast, giving me a glimpse of the Moon here and there. A pretty ominous scene, if you ask me. Size: 2x2 inches.
I frankly never thought I would ever draw She Hulk on paper especially with a marker..I thought I would draw her on a iPad first which sadly I don't have yet.she is really fun to draw mainly when you can give her big muscles,after all she is a hulk!She Hulk in the blue dress is a screenshot redraw from this https://netflix-news.atsit.in/th/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/e0b8a1e0b8b5e0b8a3e0b8b2e0b8a2e0b887e0b8b2e0b899e0b8a7e0b988e0b8b2-marvel-studios-e0b984e0b8a1e0b988e0b895e0b989e0b8ade0b887e0b881e0b8b2.jpg From the series
Jung here. Done 2022 with color pencils on 11x14 bristol. Original art is up for sale $60 (shipping fee will apply) USD email me and open for private commissions as well jungmeister4@yahoo.com Also I have my 2023 Wall calendar up for sale $19.95 with my artworks through Artwanted.com art community website. Click or copy / paste the link below and would be appreciated if you can support me on the calendar https://www.artwanted.com/artist.cfm?ArtID=115637&Tab=Calendar