Have been so sick lately, wish i could explain to my body what a waste of time that is. Luckily i have friends checking up on me, and they brought me all sorts of nice things: orange juice, flowers, chocolate, the largest banana i ever seen.... and then i realized i live in a city, and food delievery is an option! So four times i got the most delicious junk delivered to my door.
A painting I just finished to work on lighting, inspired by a painting done by SamDoesArts. This one was especially fun because I haven’t worked with layer effects for lighting in a little while and liked the way this turned out.
So I've just downloaded the "Sketchbook" app and am hoping to do great things with it. This is my first piece of art on it, so I'll consider it a test of sorts and not really put much into it. This ft blue cat named Matt.....I'm not sure if is considered an OC since its a poorly drawn test sketch character, but then again I did give it a name. IDK,you tell me. Its more of a doodle from me. :\
I have a Webtoon called The Peculiar Scribble. I am completely redoing and rebooting the series. The series only has one chapter at the moment. But I didn't like the start of it, so I'm giving the chapter and the rest of the series a fresh new start. I will hope to have the whole chapter posted to Webtoon by the end of the month. This is a sneak peek of the comic cover art. This character means a lot to me and comes from the very depths of my black inky soul.
This is a picture I did during quarantine. It shows my hatred for online school and other stuff that happened in 2021 because of Covid-19. Zoom calls were the absolute worst.
It's a mess, right? Not particularly beautiful or impressive. That is what self-hatred is like. Easy to achieve. Not great to look at. Very common. And very, very hard. To all of the people that struggle with self-hate, it's all in your head don't worry. You are the only one that sees you the way you see yourself.
A pencil and watercolour study, inspired by Scott Christian Sava's "60 days of studying the masters" on Youtube. This was intimidating from start to finish, by far the most complex drawing I've ever done! It took me almost a week to get the drawing right, but the painting was done in a day. In between were many days of feeling overwhelmed, lost, and then afraid of messing it up. But I got there in the end and I think I pushed myself to a new skill and confidence level. Good thing too, I've got 58 more studies to do!
I designed these multicolored trailers using different shades of color only in a different pattern for each trailer. I felt like this color scheme would give the trailers a uniform look yet their own distinct look. The roads look freshly paved with small shrubbery on the corners of the entry ways of the driveways. There are some pretty brown steps that leads to a door on each trailers. Also, as you can see the trailers have been topped off with the same flat style roof only with a different solid color which is one of the colors used on the sides of the trailers. There’s a fishing area with plenty of fish in it as well as places to sit. There’s even a place to use the restroom close by the fishing area so you can continue to enjoy your day catching fish with minimal interruption. This trailer park has a fresh look to it. It has a warm, inviting feel to it and is perfect for living a more simple lifestyle.
#blackcappedchickadee Facts
A bird almost universally considered “cute” thanks to its oversized round head, tiny body, and curiosity about everything, including humans. The chickadee’s black cap and bib; white cheeks; gray back, wings, and tail; and whitish underside with buffy sides are distinctive. Its habit of investigating people and everything else in its home territory, and quickness to discover bird feeders, make it one of the first birds most people learn. Want to know more check out this link https://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/Black-capped_Chickadee/overview
Il s'agit d'une fresque faite avec des animaux que j'ai rencontré durant mes stages de soigneur animalier Gris du Gabon, Cerf Sika, Renard roux et Raton laveur. Cela m'a pris un mois, j'en suis si fière.
This is a fresco made with animals that I met during my training courses as animal caretaker Gabon Grey, Sika Deer, Red Fox and Raccoon. It take me a month, i'm so proud of it.
A portrait of a pair of characters from my Victoriana tabletop game. An unlikely couple that drum up support for everyone odd and forgotten by the oppressive society they live in. As a red haired Eldren, she is considered cursed and likely to commit dark magics and as a Ratman William finds the residents of London look upon him with derision.