Jane Austen (1775–1817)
Austen never lived alone and had little expectation of solitude in her daily life. Her final home, a cottage in the village of Chawton, England, was no exception: she lived there with her mother, her sister, a close friend, and three servants, and there was a steady stream of visitors, often unannounced.
Austen wrote in the family sitting room, “subject to all kinds of casual interruptions,” her nephew recalled. She was careful that her occupation should not be suspected by servants, or visitors, or any persons beyond her own family party. She wrote upon small sheets of paper which could easily be put away, or covered with a piece of blotting paper. There was, between the front door and the offices, a swing door which creaked when it was opened; but she objected to having this little inconvenience remedied, because it gave her notice when anyone was coming.
“Composition seems to me impossible with a head full of joints of mutton & doses of rhubarb.”
From Daily rituals by Mason Currey
#dailyrituals #inktober #janeAusten @masoncurrey
Ludwig van Beethoven (1770–1827)
Beethoven rose at dawn and wasted little time getting down to work. His breakfast was coffee, which he prepared himself with great care—he determined that there should be sixty beans per cup, and he often counted them out one by one for a precise dose.
From Daily Rituals : How Artists Work by Mason Currey.
#dailydrawing #dailyritual #beethoven #coffee #inktober @masoncurrey
Created using pencils, fine liners, water color, and acrylic paints. A Ghoulish cheerleader ripped from her life too soon, murdered by jealousy, with the those she thought were her friends torn in anguish over her death, she now takes this form to rid others of their dreams and ambitions.
For day 3 of Inktober today is boots
For this day I thought of drawing Sock Man with diamonds in a Puss in Boots costume because I remembered my version I made of the first and second Puss in Boots movie
So this character has gone through some crazy character development. I started his design a few years ago, well lets say hes matured and went through puberty. I'm so proud to see how far I have come.
Konishi Mansho (1600 - 1644), the last ordained priest to serve in Japan during the prohibition era of the Tokugawa Shogunate (think of the Shusaku Endo novel, "Silence", which was adapted to film by Martin Scorsese in 2016). Exiled from his homeland in 1614, he eventually made his way to Rome and enter a convent to be ordained as a priest. He would later to his home country to minister to the persecuted Christians there, only to be arrested and martyred in 1644. I tried to mimic a traditional ink painting style to invoke the melancholic feel of this homecoming journey.
When the mood strikes to paint a mermaid with pink hair, it cannot be ignored. I let the shape of the canvas guide me with this one and went with a compass theme, and really like how it ended up. Acrylic on custom 3.5" x 4.5" canvas.
I bought a set of 3 Bic multi-color ballpoint pens, a total of 10 colors including black, and a new sketchbook. Playing around with what colors and effects are possible, I'm excited to do more stuff with these pens.
The colors didn't perfectly reproduce between the photo and JPEG compression. But I love how the upper left section is all done with the one dark blue, green, and red pen.
A lot of my sketchbooks are empty and lacking color. I got more color pencils last christmas and colored one of my characters with almost every color i had.
Some (over ten years old! Wah!) Ed, Edd, 'n Eddy fanart I did under the username MsArduousFieldWorker eons ago. Would have posted some of these separately, but this site only allows things over 500px wide and I only was able to save the flattened PNGs from my ancient XP laptop. Everything here was drawn traditionally, inked with a brushpen, then scanned and colored in PS7.
Elias Rosenshaw 12/1/2023 (Taken 11/30/2023)
Filtered photography bordered with layers of gouache with poster & dot matrix filters. Wall design created by my mother with paint marker on acrylic paint.
Hi, completed in pencil. Softest 4B. Layered technique. Without any use of blending tools. Just the silky smooth pencil in hand bringing out the texture of the 300lb Bristol Vellum.
Currently reading anne brontes classic about a mysterious newcomer in a tiny town. I should probably have placed the motive outdoors, since she spend a lot of time there, but having her leaning over to try cover her past works fine for me. Maybe i get inspired to paint more pictures of the mysterious mrs graham as i get further into the book.