Life has been BUSY! Managed to get in a bit of practice today, slowly getting better at facial proportions which has been a real struggle for me. My next challenge is trying to find a pencil sharpener big enough for this Lyra Color Giant pencil I have been using :D
A commission that didn't work out. They had something specific in mind but hadn't relayed that. I will learn to ask more questions in the future :) live and learn! I'll likely post the new one when it's done.
A few years back in the fall/autumn I collected lots of lovely red/yellow leaves and made a photo which I then manipulated in photoshop to create this illustration of gossips!
Oils on canvass. This is Charlie. He's the parrot owned by the supermarket where my husband used to work. The owner of the shop brought him in to keep him from getting bored and pulling his feathers out. He has a large cage at the entrance which he often escapes from, and can be found hopping from trolley to trolley on the handles, to amuse himself. He's usually found by a staff member who brings him back. A real character lol
I was assigned in art class to draw/paint/whatever something to do with reset... at first I, just like everyone else, pictured a reset button. After some thinking though, I remembered how each time my family moved from state to state, it was like I had a reset button, a fresh new start. Also, haha fun fact, the random sharpie lines were a result from listening to fast pace rock.
A Valentine sketch I did for my wife. The image is inspired by the classic scene, (from the original old campy "Adam West" Batman movie), where Batman is running with a bomb.