Originally inspired by the occult fiction of the seventies, this began life as a cover concept for a commercial horror anthology. It later transitioned away and became a personal project, granting me more freedom with its content, and a return to one of my favourite themes – the offsetting of monstrosity with beauty.
Remember when Billy Shears showed up to replace him? Nah, me neither. I wasn't going to wreck my record to hear them say it either. I know the prompt was warm colors, sadly if I did the jacket in pink or red it would've been George or Ringo. Anyway, a quick but fun sketch. "See the worst thing about doing this, doing something like this, is I think that at first people sort of are a bit suspicious. 'You know, come on, what are you up to?'"
This was Emma Thompson in one of my favourite films, Stranger Than Fiction - she is brilliant! I used just colouring pencils in this one to try out a soft, harmonious look, on the background of blue A4 card. I quite like the relationship between the foreground and background in this piece; had the background been white, I don't think it would have worked as well.
Superstitions: Spiders.
The spider once featured in many old potions for the cure of illnesses such as gout, ague, whooping cough and asthma, and these involved either crushing and eating the creature with other ingredients, swallowing a portion of its web, or wearing a little muslin bag of live spiders around the neck. https://www.instagram.com/p/CGC3Rs0hEFY/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
The endemic and endangered Black-polled Yellowthroat (Geothlypis speciosa) resides in freshwater marshes within the Transvolcanic Belt in central Mexico. More like this on: https://www.instagram.com/camilojulianc/
Lo-fi inspired art. Used one of my favourite albums from hanni el khatib in the drawing. I have been traveling so it's been hard to find the time to draw but I'm glad I managed to finish this one.
"'Faith' is a fine invention for gentlemen who see. But microscopes are prudent In an emergency!"-Emily Dickinson. A doodle from English class during the 4th rainy and cold day this week; let's hope the weather isn't foreshadowing how the rest of the school year will go. In all honesty, the only way I got through this week was courtesy of gymnastics and my fantastic coaches (shout out to Tony and Andrea). I figured I'd snap a photo of this before I give it away...
This is our husky named Shasta and was drawn in Photo Shop using the brush tool. I find the more I create using my computer the more inspired I am to return to the project at a later date. If I would have drawn this on sketch paper it would be lost in my piles of sketches and might never even get shared with anyone.
I know this is simpler and a quicker piece, but this is the drawing for my August journal. I started doing these back in March, with each month's drawing being based off a song. This month is "Golden Slumbers" by the Beatles, July was "Tower of Babel" by Elton John. (The pencil sketch eye I previously posted is indeed now in my journal.)
Ink & graphite doodles/sketches, (this time more graphite than ink.)
A5 size ruled notepad paper.
This started out like other doodles of mine, but quickly morphed into something a bit more deliberate and complicated.
If red is for hardiness and valor, may we show courage and resilience. If white is for purity and innocence, may we help protect the young, disadvantaged and helpless. If blue stands for vigilance, perseverance and justice, may we put a mirror to ourselves and learn persistently.
Here’s one more of the van Gogh -style self portraits. I wanted to try with colour. What can I say? I’m in lockdown. I have time :) Posca markers on coloured A3.
Unfinished value study for a painting, worked in graphite on hot pressed watercolor paper. Drafted and rendered using the Bargue method. Hopefully, I got the photo oriented correctly so that the drawing will be right side up, once I upload it! If anyone has advice for photographing a heavy application of graphite, without getting weird reflectiveness, or speckled effects, I’m very interested!