Took me very long to finally accept the fact that I can do anything, draw anthing on my sketchbook, that my sketchbook is a safe place for me to experiment, play, and explore styles, themes, mediums, and other ideas. I used to be so caught up in developing my own style, and being devoted to drawing only portraits.. Well.. now I’ll remember to “just draw!”
I've been exploring these great coloured pencils, Lyra Polycolor, ans I'm loving it! They are buttery and so vivid on my moleskine sketchbook. These drawings are inspired by the trending tattoo designs. I'm thinking of creating some for an old tattoo cover-up too..
I recently discovered oil pastels and am being amazed every day at how versatile they are. While cleaning my desk this morning I found some blank ATCs (Artist trading cards, 2.5x3.5") and wondered if I could work small with such a bulky medium. Turns out, absolutely yes.
Many beginnings.
Beginning 2.
Felix always ate bananas with a spoon.
* Starting is easy, it's the middle that is often a muddle. And I won't even mention the endings. Here are some beginnings for children stories that flitter through my head.
So if any of y’all have watched RuPaul sorry if I am spoiling it for you. It’s really great. I was told to make Appa from Avatar. Working on it @rayedrgn ! Okay so here it is! I traced just to get shapes then I colored it. Um I guess that’s it?
This is the second edition of my snake drawing collection, the first one was titled "slipped secrets" and addressed the conveyance of information between certain parties that should not have been shared. This artwork portrays a sense of love and mutual agreement/understanding using snakes as the conceptual medium through which the action and emotion is portrayed
Whenever someone says Dodge Charger. The only name that comes to mind is Fast and Furious Movie - DOM, This car is such an epic car. I love this car a lot.
I did this illustration on Autodesk Sketchbook with a Midnight Blue body and Cherry Red stripes at the end.
A horse with a gasmask was the photo that provoked this. I was imagining other animals so outfitted, and a fish was the craziest. Brown ink, colour pencil and whiteout.
I started messing about with line and wash. I really enjoyed the speed and looseness of working on this piece. In hindsight, I'm wondering if it would be worth working on a larger, more considered version as there is quite a lot of nice texture that is missing here. Pen & watercolour on watercolour paper (4x6").
This little acrylic was inspired by the autumn morning skies over Penrhos. My partner and I lived with her parents for a time while we renovated our first house. I used to hang out the 3rd floor window in the mornings to take reference shots of the skies.
Marker, and colored pencil on paper. My partner bought me some fancy markers that have been really fun to play with. I'm thinking about making this image into a greeting card.
Not a new OC but I changed his look due to him being green colored previously so now he is a yellow slug demon instead of being a green slug demon plus he has mouths instead of eyes.Im still tweaking his design to make him more uglier.He is a creature type demon which makes him easy to defeat moreover he can be killed by any demon (high rank or low)he can't be killed by creature types that are weaker than him.All he wants is a life long lover to marry and have offspring with but he still manages to be annoying and violent.He's another villain Snidecious and Fedren meet.