Final Drawing. Progression drawing 7 of 7. This is an earlier drawing of a how-to video from Emmy Kalia. All credit to her. Link:
Toys used to be so much cooler back in the day. I realize this makes me sound like a very old nerd. I also realize that I AM a very old nerd. So there's that.
Queen inspired by the nicotiana alata flower (which is called Night's Queen in Romanian) and the Greater Death Shead Hawkmoth which feeds with the flowers nectar.
I am tired of drawing people looking at their phones, so I am replacing people's phones with random animals. Like for this cool lady, I saw at the Met Museum!
Note. As vibrant as it may be, it does not reflect a happy ending of a memory. I am sorry.
This is a drawing for a past friend, Nicolain08.
We were very different people, yet crossed paths due to a shared interest on a random corner of the internet. One wanted to connect on a deeper level, and the other wanted to maintain a comfortable circle. Unfortunately, I was unable to recognise our differences and the friendship was torn apart by my hands.
It was a sombre decision to let this go into the wind. I cannot abandon a clearly passionate piece of art simply by deleting it. It will mean that I am still running away from my past mistakes. It is a symbol of my regrets, serving as lessons that I will have to accept. The past cannot be changed, learning the lesson is the best I can do.
Joan Miró (1893-1983)
Miró always maintained a rigidly inflexible daily routine—both because he disliked being distracted from his work, and because he feared slipping back into the severe depression that had afflicted him as a young man, before he discovered painting. To help prevent a relapse, his routine always included vigorous exercise—boxing in Paris; jumping rope and Swedish gymnastics at a Barcelona gym; and running on the beach and swimming at Mont-roig, a seaside village where his family owned a farmhouse.
Miró hated for this routine to be interrupted by social or cultural events. As he told an American journalist, “Merde! I absolutely detest all openings and parties! They’re commercial, political, and everybody talks too much. They get on my tits!”
From Daily Rituals: How Artists Work by Mason Currey
I drew a cute Easter bunny! My neighbor's bunny inspired me to draw her. I used a different name because the owner didn't feel comfortable having the name on her. She has taught me how to draw a few years ago and now since I am older I wanted to share it with you guys. Thank you!