Another inspired drawing by the national thing of the day, today is Croissant Day. Part of the sandwich bag art I started in 2008 when I began drawing on my kids sandwich bags.
This was part of a collaboration I did with another wonderful artist over on YouTube. We picked the theme of our favourite folklore characters to draw.
In the Palm of Your Hand, Pen and india ink on paper. playing around with graphic like images inspired from nature, having lots of fun and thinking wallpaper, pillows, tablecloths as well as prints might be interesting
I like the notion of Poison Ivy from Batman being a sort of vengeful Mother Earth. I sometimes wish Mother Earth would give us the smackdown. We deserve it.
(Red biro on a 89mm x 139mm postcard) When technology becomes so intrusive on our daily lives that we feel we simply can't live without it, then perhaps the one-eyed man is truly king.
“Most things benefit from contrast. The exception is the truth.”
~Golgaaryol, 2025.
(Koh-I-Noor and Bambino crayons)
I usually describe things in there somewhere "Split of... Tenebroso";
George Balanchine (1904–1983)
Balanchine liked to do his own laundry. “When I’m ironing, that’s when I do most of my work,” he once said. The choreographer rose early, before 6:00 A.M., made a pot of tea, and read a little or played a hand of Russian solitaire while he gathered his thoughts. Then he did his ironing for the day (he did his own washing too, in a portable machine in his Manhattan apartment) and, between 7:30 and 8:00, phoned his longtime assistant for a rundown of the day’s schedule.
- From Daily Rituals: How Artists Work by Mason Currey
“I like to do things certain ways and I disagree with everybody but I don't even want to argue.”
― George Balanchine
#dailyrituals #inktober #balanchine @masoncurrey