My next monkey watercolor -well, mostly - there is a touch of acrylic paint on the eyes. I do not know why they are called red-handed - since they seem to have yellow hands.
This is a traditional art illustration produced with Copic markers and Prismacolor colored pencils, on a blanks sketch cover for an All Star Batman#01 It features Micheal Keaton and Michelle Pfeiffer from the Tim Burton films. See more at
Here's a traditional art sketch card, produced on a 4 X 5 inch blank licensed card. The cut lines are set at 2.5 X 2.3 standard trading card size. Artwork is Copic marker and Prismacolor colored pencil. This card was created as a random insert for the 2018 Rittenhouse Archives Star Trek Captains collection Card series. See more at
This is one of the pages of my handmade picture book (made w/ watercolor paper, watercolor paint, color pencils, and pen & ink). I really wanted to focus on illustrating the beauty of the architecture and vibrant colors of the buildings.
Messing around with very mixed media. Pen, pencil, color pencil, colored sharpies, brush pen and acrylic pen. Just threw everything within arms reach at it lol.
I did this one in India ink and colored it with Winsor & Newton drawing inks. I love the vibrance and transparency of illustration inks, but don't use them too often because the colors are fugitive
Daizies or Snowflakes it's all in your perspective, pen and india ink on paper. am pretty engrossed in this graphic, black and white nature inspired series i began a few weeks ago. There is something very soothing about doing these that leads me to believe this series is far from finished!
My vision of the character ‘Smaug’ from J.R.R. Tolkien’s ‘The Hobbit’.
Pencil sketch, coloured digitally on IbisPaint X.
Here is a passage from The Hobbit describing Smaug’s appearance: “There he lay, a vast red-golden dragon, fast asleep; thrumming came from his jaws and nostrils, and wisps of smoke, but his fires were low in slumber. Beneath him, under all his limbs and his huge coiled tail, and about him on all sides stretching away across the unseen floors, lay countless piles of precious things, gold wrought and unwrought, gems and jewels, and silver red-stained in the ruddy light. Smaug lay, with wings folded like an immeasurable bat, turned partly on one side, so that the hobbit could see his underparts and his long pale belly crusted with gems and fragments of gold from his long lying on his costly bed.”
I'm traveling through England ans Scotland for the next two weeks, and of course that meant I had to start a new travel sketchbook! I found it fitting that the first page shows the route I will be on.