Pop art ink drawing in red, pink, and violet hues. The subject is the palm of a hand and curled fingers. The background has blue, green, and turquoise stripes contrasting the colors of the hand. This artistic drawing style uses non local color to create form in the palm hand drawing.
This is one of my first, and best pieces of digital art to-date. I created it using Procreate, inspired by my love of wolves, and Northern landscapes more generally.
Hi! Got really inspired by the Hearthstone art and Dave Greco so I decided to practice a little bit! This fanart piece was made using an original concept art of the character by Blizzard as seen in the video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRYg3JIe5jY
This is the next redo on tap. It's a watercolor painted in about 2006. Likely I'll only change values of the leaves--the lighter ones. And I will try to define the yellow petunias better.