I've wandered Brechfa forest in Carmarthenshire on several occasions, but have only seen a very small part of what this huge forest has to offer. I'm hoping that once travel restrictions are lifted, I can get back out there and explore more. Pen on sketchbook paper (6"x8")
"Chameleon, you're free again, my child." I think using song lyrics may be slightly cheating...but it is quoted text... I feel like I haven't made a 'purposeful' piece in a bit, so this drawing felt even better to make. There have been multiple ups and downs lately. Frustration, self-hate, and anxiety can take many forms, and eventually I lose sight of what they started as. I heard this song for the first time a few months ago and it's really been stuck in my head recently for various reasons. I don't know, sometimes music provides an escape that even art can't.
Chicago deep-dish is just out of this world...I had to say that. I'm not sure when or where the space idea came in, but I'm pretty okay with the result. Enjoy the mid-class doodle that's helped me stay focused during this week.
No, I can't get it out of my head, now my whole world is gone for dead. This song has been stuck in my head for a while now, kind of interesting. I apologize for the long ramble of reflection this will be, but here I go. It's been an interesting few weeks, ups and downs, odd mindsets, but here I am. I don't know, quarantine has shifted a lot of things for everyone, and I've noticed a lot of changes in myself. I jokingly say I'm becoming soft, but it's a bit true, in a good way. I'm thankful for so many people in my life, and I'm finally letting those people how much they mean to me. I know I've said this before, but gymnastics has really been getting me through, and I'm proud of all the progress I've been making recently. My coaches make my life better, they're just incredible people and I love them so much. Thank you to the person I had a whole long text conversation with tonight (you know who you are) and for always dealing with my chaotic self. And finally, I've started to accept who I am, and that's a nice feeling. There's still the dark parts, the static still consumes me from time to time, but tonight was a good night. Thank you for all the support from everyone (in and outside of this community!). I genuinely appreciate all of it
I've been working on this for a few weeks now, and I'm pretty happy with the result. Full disclosure, this is a school project, and I wish I had more time to really finish it. Curious about everyone's thoughts on this; feedback is always welcome!
I am pleased to present to you the finished Elton drawing. (I finished it today while listening to my new albums; shout out to my mom for the birthday gift.) Does the drawing look exactly like the photo? No, it doesn't, and I can easily pick out all the mistakes I made. At the same time, I'm happy with it for what it is, and I loved drawing it. Anyway, feedback is very welcome, let me know what you guys think and what I can improve on.
Patternz - Series 3. In this series I'm still sticking with the Patterned backgrounds, but this time they have been carefully chosen to compliment the chosen animal subject, rather than the human portraits of series 1 & 2.