Once the curve flattens and we can all go about our usual businesses without potentially killing one another, let’s not forget all the good habits and so on we’ve picked up from staying the feck at home! Some sort of a summer will come, rest assured.
Hand drawn abstract wall art resembling uniform cut stained glass, representing horizontal rain. Inspired by a storm when in St. Lucia where the rain was hitting us sideways with great force.
This is inspired from the the soundtrack to Gladator the film. Its about how most people will end up in some kind of Colosseum, metaphorically speaking. Life will throw at us many problems. A sketch for a body of work. The black cross is a sword buried in the ground. Maybe its a symbol of peace.
A fairly special one for me this week, as today’s post is inspired by what would have been the time of Beltane celebrations. As it is, we celebrated at home in our own little ways, and in the case of myself indulging in my usual habits! Drinking and of course drawing, the usual stuff...