This was created in response to the question : "What is inside your head" (or something like that) Many excellent responses I viewed. Even though the prompt closed I felt inspired
“When I draw something, the incredibly annoying thing is that it doesn’t come out like I pictured.” - Akira Toriyama (1955 - 2024).
Thankfully, this came out as intended. Full comments and reflections in the next slide!
I recently remembered hearing stories and seeing games showing the Devil trapped in ice in some way. It seemed so cool I decided to try it out.
I'll admit that this form of the Devil is not the coolest or most intimidating, but I think it works. Kind of like the Anti-Christ sort of look.
What do you guys think?
Figured I’d try my hand at something fan art flavoured for this one… namely in the form of my favourite tiny fictional character, Kirby!
I can’t ascertain when exactly I became a fan of the Kirby franchise, although playing Super Smash Bros as a young boy may have something to do with that.
Whatever the case, I got hooked on the pink (or blue in some cases) puffball very quickly!
Freehand sketching in ink from a photo reference I found online, to practice conveying that lots-of-stones look without drawing all the stones (photo credit: K. Mitch Hodge). Micron pens + alcohol markers.
Hand drawn abstract wall art in black ink on ultra white background. Inspired by the layering of strata across millennium while visiting the Grand Canyon.