The Super Bloom is still going in SoCal! On the trail are poppies, daisies, alyssum, pansies and now the mustard grass is in bloom. My process was an iPhone photo, then a drawing with color and then collage in Photoshop.
The Super Bloom is still going in SoCal! On the trail are poppies, daisies, alyssum and now the mustard grass is in bloom. My process was an iPhone photo, then a drawing with color and then collage in Photoshop.
The Super Bloom is still going in SoCal! On the trail are poppies, daisies, alyssum and now the mustard grass is in bloom. My process was an iPhone photo, then a drawing with color and then collage in Photoshop.
The Super Bloom is still going in SoCal! On the trail are poppies, daisies, alyssum and now the mustard grass is in bloom. My process was an iPhone photo, then a drawing with color and then collage in Photoshop.
The Super Bloom is still going in SoCal! On the trail are poppies, daisies, alyssum and now the mustard grass is in bloom. My process was an iPhone photo, then a drawing with color and then collage in Photoshop.
This is a happy accident. The evening sky was the accident that the paint bucket tool filled most of the sky. This was March of robots Month daily challenge.
Assignment 2 London Art College - Illustrating Children's Books. Imagine a boy were to find a secret city under his kitchen sink. DPS. Created digitally, freehand drawing in Photoshop.
Yet another former business related cartoon. Quick pean and ink on 8.5X11 heavy cardstock, with a little help from Photoshop for the background. Obviously.
My mother actually used to say this to me and my brothers when we asked her to do something while she was in the midst of doing something else...Magic marker, then worked in Photoshop.
Josh O'Connor and Alec Secăreanu at Francis Lee's God's Own Country @franciscarsonlee @joshographee @alecsecareanu #JoshOConnor #AlecSecăreanu #FrancisLee #godsowncountry
Made with @Krita_Painting
Finished in @Photoshop
Made with ❤
Just love the concept that the little things we do can make a big difference to someone else. When I found out about 'Random Acts of Kindness Week' I thought, what a perfect time to... "TRY TO BE A RAINBOW IN SOMEONE'S CLOUD” —Maya Angelou