The Question mark from a box.
I am following inktober prompts @janelle.shane generated using the OpenAI net GPT-3.
And now the adventure is done. Kismet is home. Home is good. Home is cozy. Good night.
Continuous single line with shadow for depth. A figure laying on back with one leg extended and the other bent in. One arm up and the other down along ground. Looking away too I suppose.
My first attempt at doing a portrait with a ballpoint pen. After having dedicated a lot of time to improving my digital art I took a break from it and turned to pen/pencil on paper and am quite happy with what I manage to create on my first attempt.
The Queer Old Man is a solid wood puppet head created more than 50 years ago if not more. The eyes of the character are a radiant blue and the carved structure of the face is expressive and bold.
Brambles are lovely to sit in amongst the bees. And also they make a good shelter from the rain.
Humble Thy Self In The Sight Of The Lord
This Pen And Ink was rendered from a image Of the painting entitled," The Prayer At Valley Forge" by artist Arnold Fryberg. I drew this rendering from my computer screen. It took a couple of hour to draw. I carved this image on a pumpkin at the annual Chadds Ford Historical Society Great Pumpkin Carve.
So this rendering was done as a guide not a finished piece . As you look over this picture you will notice the ink ran in a few places, that is be cause it was raining while I was carving the pumpkin. Even though I had clear plastic laid over the picture, rain still got it wet.
It seem like almost ever time I took part in this event it has rained .
The reason I chose to carve this image is be cause the battle of the Brandywine was fought around the town of Chadds Ford, and because George Washington was a renown Christian man of Prayer.
Just as the thirteen colony were freighting their way through hell to gain their independence from England, I feel our nation is going through Hell to maintain the principle the founding fathers had laid as the foundation of this country.
Our country is in trouble and no political party can save this nation, only The American People who humble themselves before God, repent of their rebellious ways against God, and pray for His forgiveness, and seek Him to guild our nation out of the dark,and back into the light. Then will our nation be able to receive blessings from the hand of God.
Stephen J. Vattimo July 16, 2012 See Less
Situational awareness is important these days. Pre-pandemic, I sometimes take my doodles to coffee shops during my lunch breaks and relax for half an hour or so by mindlessly scribbling/shading with my Bic pen. People usually leave me alone but this drawing made me realise that not everyone wants to see a man drawing a naked man. A few people took exception to my subjects’ lack of clothing and made their displeasure known by telling me. Suffice to say, I try not to go into coffee shops anymore while working on subject matter that might offend anyone. Bic4 Ballpoint Pen on 9” x 12” Archival paper. Model: Malik_E