Hello All, Hope everyone is keeping well......I started another ' Lockdown' doodle this week. Working on Mixed Media paper with Pen & Ink and Aqua spectrum Noir pens. The Spectrum pens are really chunky and take a while to get used to handling , but they are very useful for colour blocking larger areas and the colours are intense. I've been using these all year now and love them. The Flamingo Garden Doodle , I turned into a repeat pattern for my collection of Printed Ladies accessories for my new website which I'm working hard on and hoping to Launch very soon. :-)
Cat in space! Even the rocket is too small to carry this happy explorer cat! Check out the rest of the completed Inktober posts on my IG: @dittofunkysketch123!
Superstitions: Spiders.
The spider once featured in many old potions for the cure of illnesses such as gout, ague, whooping cough and asthma, and these involved either crushing and eating the creature with other ingredients, swallowing a portion of its web, or wearing a little muslin bag of live spiders around the neck. https://www.instagram.com/p/CGC3Rs0hEFY/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
The endemic and endangered Black-polled Yellowthroat (Geothlypis speciosa) resides in freshwater marshes within the Transvolcanic Belt in central Mexico. More like this on: https://www.instagram.com/camilojulianc/
Day 2 of Inktober (I'm hoping to do this every day this year). A quick sketch in a clearer mindset than last night. Not sure why I named him Larry, but it seemed fitting. Here's to the fact that solving a physics problem on the first try legitimately made me jump out of my chair in excitement.