Drawn with a Sailor/Wancher Turquoise 1911L. The M nib on this pen comes to a sharp point which allows for some line variation not from flex but based on how deep the firm nib digs into the watercolor paper. The Noodlers Black ink is a little dry and that contributes to this effect.
School art. At my previous school, during lessons, I created what I call 'folder art' (doodles on school folders) This particular piece features doodles of girls, celebrating girl power
Been in the mood to draw simple cartoons characters lately. Of course I don’t like to copy the original artist’s style. I prefer to change it up a little. Half of this was drawn on magma(dot)com, the other half was drawn in ibis paint (ipad pro).
2023, Ballpoint pens on 5” x 8” acid free Moleskine sketchbook paper, Adobe Photoshop colour correction. I was doing pre-purchase research before deciding on a set of noise cancelling earbuds when I landed on the Google Pixel Buds Pro website and found an interesting model in an interesting pose.
One of my favorite films as a kid! I... actually have an animation cel from it haha. Quick drawing from way back. Drawn and inked traditionally, colored digitally.
2023, Ballpoint Pen on 5” x 8” (10” x 8” Double page spread) acid free Moleskine sketchbook paper, Adobe Photoshop. Based on a photo (by David Redfern/Getty Images) of the singer, songwriter and civil rights activist performing at the BBC Television Centre in London, January 1966. Last sketchbook piece for 2023. 2024 will be my last year on this platform - thank you all for appreciating and following my artistic progress.