In my Blue Star sketchbook serious art has been interrupted by two cartoon characters I came up with years ago that I drew for my university student newspaper. They're back! Adolescent silliness returns with the adventures of Hardball and Riley. There's a bit of allegory at work in this story, so it's not as infantile as it first seems. They are certainly fun and my main characters are very easy to draw. I do sometimes spend too much time on the background.
Medium : Pen and ink on Bristol Board
Size : 11" x 15 "
Year illustration was done : 1987
This rendering of a broken down wagon, is part of a group of Pen and ink illustrations I did for a christian mission , for their pamphlet that was put together to imform the public about their services and ministry to the military members and their families. This mission reaches out to miltary through offering hospitality, Bible studies, holding retreats, and hosting luncheons for church groups.
Military soldier who are in training also would come out to the rach to spend the weekend off post, to rest, learn the Bible , get home cooked meals, and enjoy out door recreation.
I work as a summer missionary with this mission a couple of summer, helping with up keep of the ranch and helping with conducting the retreats.
written by Stephen J. Vattimo
The super hero skull.
I am following botober prompts from @janelle.shane generated using the OpenAI net GPT-3.
Another work created in Lockdown in Berlin. Drawn on a piece of drafting paper from an ingenieering student in Leipzig, 1923. Like the cellar it was found in, it expresses a longing to be outside. A longing to feel of use, a job to go to or someone to visit. It is confusion and patience drawn out thin and ready to snap at any moment.
Watching three seals herd a school of fish and feast.
Drawing with my non dominant hand.
I’ve really been enjoying ink lately - whether pen or Micron inks - it’s been a fun style to try. This was interesting, something different to a typical city street view.