I was going to do a full landscape sketch of the ascent to Cadair Idris, but I kind of chickened out. Still, I quite like the simplicity of this little sketch.
I stumbled across this dilapidated coach house that would have once been part of the Glynhir estate while exploring the public footpaths around Llandybie. I loved the way nature had reclaimed it.
This drawing has gone through several iterations (rough napkin sketch, sketchbook sketch, black and white version, limited colour version). 2021, Bic4 Ballpoint Pen, Novelty 10 Colour Ballpoint Pen on 9” x 12” Archival paper. Model: ImaniZ
Doodling will give you ideas for projects that you didn't expect. The characters for my book, Flight of the Silk, came from sketches. This picture is one illustration for the book.
I love drawing when I am waiting on someone. It transforms the time, and rather than feeling impatient often I am hoping they will take longer so I can finish the drawing.
Inktober 2020! I am following the Inktober prompts this year, this time with a theme surrounding cats! This is day 01 prompt, fish. I have posted more on IG: @dittofunkysketch123
Whisp, day 2 of inktober. Done with my TWSB Eco fountain pen with an extra fine nib. I think I like this approach better than yesterday's. I like the fine cross-hatching.
Mig looks up and sees smoke coming from a distance.
This started off as a black ink drawing, but after scanning into my computer, I played around in Pixelmator to add the background and some effects to achieve the final result. This was going to be my first attempt at either Inktober ot Artober. Many thanks for looking !
Superstition : Hare.
Two extraordinary beliefs about the hare which are still repeated though no longer held, are that it is so timid that it never closes its eyes, even in sleep; and that once a year the creatures change their sex!
From "A DICTIONARY OF OMENS AND SUPERSTITIONS" by Philippa Waring. https://www.instagram.com/p/CDED3E7BKu4/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link