2023, Ballpoint pens on 5” x 8” acid free Moleskine sketchbook paper, Adobe Photoshop colour correction. I was doing pre-purchase research before deciding on a set of noise cancelling earbuds when I landed on the Google Pixel Buds Pro website and found an interesting model in an interesting pose.
One of my favorite films as a kid! I... actually have an animation cel from it haha. Quick drawing from way back. Drawn and inked traditionally, colored digitally.
(gel fineliner pen on 115mm x 87mm paper) I did this piece to test out those cheap fineliner pens that you can buy for £1 for 3 from TheWorks stores. They're pretty good for what they are, as you can see. They're 0.38 in line width and the gel ink is quite opaque.
It's a watercolor painting, the size is A4. I wanted to express some kind of serenity. Send me a message for any questions or more.
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