Amikor az erdőn jársz, és rábukkansz valahol egy forrásra, ülj le melléje csöndesen és figyelj. Nagyon csöndes légy, és akkor hallani fogod a zöld ruhás tündérke hangját a surranó vízből. Ha pedig jó füled van, és érted az erdő nyelvét, akkor meghallhatod azokat a csodaszép meséket, amiket a forrás, a csermely, a patak tündére elmond ilyenkor a fáknak.
Wass Albert
Festette: Ildikó Tuloková
Akril/Vászon arany,ezüst,bronz festékkel festve.
I couldn't resist the glitter so I added favorite underated superhero!it was quite simple painting him.this is my second character painting so far.
An underated but interesting supervillain I painted,he has a rather surprised look. painting the eyes wasn't simple but I enjoyed doing my first character painting.
I’m gonna start reading more on human proportions and the human anatomy and how to draw it so for today I have some cones from when I was trying to teach my brother how to drive. I first painted the entire cone in two coats of gesso and then afterwords I painted the background first, put on a clear gesso and then a painted on the vines. I was trying to go for a positive space negative space look I do have other cones so I hope to try doing more of this in the future but for today this is what I made. #365daysofart #workinprogress #painting
Acrylic on canvas 41x33 de cm - “Today, we are still fascinated by space and the idea of space travel. Space continues to represent a new frontier for mankind, fascinating and scaring us in equal measure. We continue to push the boundaries of our knowledge, awaiting the day when travel into space is as open and accessible as air travel.“
Color Theory - Acrylic paint on A4 canvas
Between 2012-2016
Our prompt for this project was to recreate a traditional painting using only the 3 primary colors and white acrylic paint.
This is one of the planets I made on the front of my galaxy painting, finally came around to painting on it here. Each planet is going to be completely different from each other because I wanna try out new different things and then we’ll see what the end result is.