It's a quick digital recreation of my last gouache painting.
And I don't like it very much.
- I had trouble finding a good brush for painting leaves on the top of the tree.
- There is no magic like in traditional art.
- I didn't enjoy drawing as much as painting with gouache.
- I couldn't peel off the tape when I was done.
Digital figure painting done in Adobe Photoshop. Learning how to paint skin, how can I push this further? I would appreciate any advice or feedback.
Orignal photo and model credits
This year I'm discovering a new art medium - gouache. I'm going to paint more traditional art with gouache and watercolor.
Recently I purchased a great Domestika Course by Ruth Wilshaw: "Painting Atmospheric Landscapes with Gouache." to learn and develop my painting skills.
And here it's - the result of silhouettes practice. I'm so glad because it's a second attempt at gouache painting. I fell in love with this art medium!
One of my Swirly Designs, illustrated with different tools such as Graphite, Aquarelle, Ink Pens and Ai & Tablet. Sometimes sheer Vectorillustration/design.
Copyright by Carolina Matthes
I got inspiration from my first gouache painting.
After a few minutes of research on Pinterest, I got the Eureka Moment!
"Hmm... Maybe I should draw the twisted tree from my painting, which will be full of stars on its branch?"
And here it is - the final look. I like it!
I've started a fantastic Domestika Course by Ruth Wilshaw: "Painting Atmospheric Landscapes with Gouache."
It's my first attempt at gouache painting. I'm so excited to try this art medium. I've only painted with watercolors so far.
Thank you, Ruth, for your course. I enjoy it so much!
One of my Swirly Designs, illustrated with different tools such as Graphite, Aquarelle, Ink Pens and Ai & Tablet. Sometimes sheer Vectorillustration/design.
Copyright by Carolina Matthes