Mixed techniques on with acrylic, spontaneous creation. Join our acrylic painters discord if you use the medium and want a community around it to learn from https://discord.gg/NcJxBfVA
This is my project for the Mooncolony's Lunar Academy Online Art School https://mooncolony.co/lunar-academy It was such a great experience! Huge thanks to my mentor Ekaterina "Rin" Shapovalova. It was a pleasure to learn from you! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZfIZx4aRQ4
After forcing myself through some long lasting 100 layer paintings, just doing a quick two day one feels refreshing. I will hang this one on the wall, but for the bigger version im gonna make a more natural looking fox cub.
This is based on a couple of lino cut prints, acrylic paint and gold ink. I have rediscovered my love of lino cut printing after many years and hope to do much more of it.
This new Bikes of Amsterdam painting is of this wooden bike I saw (no pun intended) a while back. I thought it was probably owned by a lumberjack although it’s more likely some city hipster type. Either way cool bike. Guess you would need to varnish it every year.