Dabbling in something new and experimental(ish) because, why not?
It’s safe to say January feels like one of those 100 day months...
Second time around with the new flower washi tape my girlfriend bought me. Couldn’t not use it again!
*insert psychedelic rock songs*
Hungry sharks…
Continuing as I’m always inclined to do! Narwhals, witchcraft and cosmic things…
New sketchbook time! Introducing “Instant Everythings” :-)
And so ends another sketchbook, and just in time to break in the new year! Happy new year folks :-)
Kirby and Sonic met their pals as I was working away tonight!
Pokemon fever!
Who isn’t these days?
New sketchbook time! Onwards and upwards as they say…
Simpler times.
Post-job interview mindful drawing time!
This narwhal got a tad spooky.
So they do!
Our friend Robert Fripp isn’t wrong!
More spooky sharks, because why not?
“The truth of it is, if you paint or draw what really interests you, you’re going to do a good job of it, and hopefully that’s what I do.” - Jim Moir.
Spooky sharks return!
Creating in like-minded company is a blissful experience, that much is true! Boy I’ve missed drawing clubs… :-)
Confident goblins.
More sharks in space!
Doodle #10 in the current sketchbook = done!
Jungle sharks!
Saturday night’s alright for doodling…
…and whale no. 2!
Whale, no 1…
Mealtime for hammerheads.
All of things (yet again).