Samuel Beckett (1906–1989)
On a late-night walk near Dublin harbor, Beckett found himself standing on the end of a pier in the midst of a winter storm. Amid the howling wind and churning water, he suddenly realized that the “dark he had struggled to keep under” in his life—and in his writing, which had until then failed to find an audience or meet his own aspirations—should, in fact, be the source of his creative inspiration.
“I shall always be depressed,” Beckett concluded, “but what comforts me is the realization that I can now accept this dark side as the commanding side of my personality. In accepting it, I will make it work for me.”
- From Daily Rituals: How Artists Work by Mason Currey
#dailyrituals #inktober #samuelbeckett @masoncurrey
Robots are weird.
I am combining botober2021 and transmundane Tuesdays because that's the way I roll.
The first three Inktobers2021 Procreate. Not sure how well regarded this still is as an event. I know it has gotten a lot of bad press and hubbub, but I'm going to try and stick to it this year.
A friend commissioned me to redraw a small inktober doodle into a 11x17 version. Pen and ink with black watercolor. Does my larger version still have the same lighthearted feel as the original doodle?
For day 15 the inktober word was weak so I decided to approach the subject of hunting for trophies.
It is not the animal that's weak it's the human that's cruel.
A lot of species become endangered because of our need to kill. We should love and protect all the animals, not put them on walls (real or virtual) only for our pleasure and ego.
the next piece for #inktober environmental issues series continues with #day10 word #flowing. It's quite hard to correlate a situation with a word, but this is how flowing and plastic waste ended up looking like. How much plastic waste do I produce in a day? In a week? How about a year? Nature is full of plastic waste and is overflowing everywhere. In the rivers, seas and oceans... Next time they ask you at the supermarket if you need a plastic bag, think again...
I've combined Inktober and Drawlloween to create a bunch of big ink-wash paintings of horror themes. I'm really excited about these!!! I can't wait to have 31!
Graham Greene (1904–1991)
In 1968, an interviewer asked if he was “a nine-till-five man.” “No,” Greene replied. “Good heavens, I would say I was a nine-till-a-quarter-past-ten man.”
- From Daily Rituals: How Artists Work by Mason Currey
#dailyrituals #inktober #GrahamGreene #goals @masoncurrey