Super late for inktober but I didn't want my ideas to go to waste. ^^
I dunno if I'll finish but I'll try to draw as much as I can without overexerting myself.
Anywaaay...! This illustration is a fan art of the two main characters from relatively unknown PS2 classic, Okage. If you haven't heard of it or paid it much attention before, it's a must-play if you don't tire of JRPGs!! The art style is beautiful and reminiscent of Tim Burton's stuff~ Once I have time this'll be available at my art shops. Links below!
Art Shops: or
Inktober 13 - ASH : Pencil, copic multiliner, india ink wash... i didnt really like this prompt TBH. took forever to decide on a topic. anybody trying to quit dont listen to this butthead...keep at it, it does get easier.
I have another cat called Donut who’s fluffy and has to have a lot of attention. I used black ink, white gel pen, graphite pencil 2B and Crayola crayons.
This cute chubby little fairy got used for bait to catch... hmm.. who knows what? Let's all hope she gets out of the water safe. So much fun with the expression, pose and adding the depth. I would love feedback on this.
Inktober Day 01 - Ring -This is the ring Daenerys dropped in the grasslands so that Jorah and Daarios can track her... I have been watching The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance so couldn’t help but put little gelflings, oops I mean elflings in there! I am posting daily with Inktober on IG, aiming for an entire Game of Thrones Inktober theme as a final tribute to this award winning drama! You're welcome to check out!: @dittofunkysketch123