Ink on paper. The topic of the day was "spell"
For day 27 I made a very diluted India ink wash and painted a cityscape at night with white ink over it. I like how it turned out! Naïve and quirky.
Inktober day 20: Flower
Prickly #cactus
Inktober day 15: Spade
Inktober day 12: Cone Flower
Day 17 - swollen
Day 15 - weak
The site's glitchy today -- so here are my 2 final Inktober pieces! ENJOY GUYS!
Are you ready for our big date??
Brewed up my weekly Essence of Emotional Baggage
Day 9 inktober
Inktober #3
Drawing for the Inktober challenge: Drooling and Wings
Day 5 #Inktober2018 #inktober #chicken