Jon Snow’s faithful companion. In the beginning of the first few seasons, Ghost seem to come and go and Jon would wonder where he went! Like a ghost! Sometimes appearing outta nowhere! But Ghost stick with his master always and helped Jon’s friends like Sam and Tormund. *I have already completed the entire Inktober- you can check it out on my IG account: @dittofunkysketch123 :D
That time when Tyrion and Bronn walked away from the Eyrie after winning a trial by combat. I like to think of them as a couple of misfits traveling the mountain roads passing by the knights of the Vale, Vale commoners and hill tribesmen! *I have already completed the entire Inktober- you can check it out on my IG account: @dittofunkysketch123 :D
And of course when I think of dragon, I think of Drogon and Daenerys Targaryen- “The First is Her Name, The Unburnt, Queens of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Queen of Meereen, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Protector of the Realm, Lady Regent of the Seven Kingdoms, Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons”.
with Anka again, because she is Russian, she know about snow and how to cover up comfortably. Also, her donkey, Polka.
Avec Anka a nouveau, parce qu'étant Russe, la neige, elle connait et elle sait comment se couvrir confortablement. Aussi représentée: Son anesse, Polka.
Three years ago, I did Inktober with the 31witches theme
This picture was well beloved, so I did it again for my style search.
The bat's name is Bruce.