Ink on paper
Inktober Day 14: Overgrown
Here is a character I have been thinking about off and on. She is a seagull who loves the beach and everything to do with it. Especially jellyfish.
Inktober Day 1-5
For Inktober 2019 I made individual drawings for half the month, then the other half was dedicated to a larger drawing.
Ink & Watercolor
Drawn with ink & colored in watercolor.
Micron pen and colored pencil on paper
Pen & ink on Bristol
Inktober Day 5: "Build" ... Platinum Carbon Black and Holbein Watercolor.
Inktober Day 3: "Bait"
Art: "Drie Inseln" / Pen: Platinum 3776 Century Black Diamond EF / Ink: Pilot Black
Day 6 #inktober2017 - Sword. Yikes! Someone is feeling some aggression after what him through on day 2. You can follow me on to see the all of my inktober posts and more.
Inktober ‘22 Days 6-10
"Nothing says tranquility like a cup of Oolong Tea." Inktober Day 3. Roasted.
My first submission to inktober 2018 on day 5. I'm not sure if I will make up days 1-4. It all depends on a wonderful thing called time. Arrrrgh!
Day 2 of #inktober2017 - Divided. My lemon guy tentatively volunteered for this word. Way to represent little feller. ;)