I sketched this black cat drawing as the start of my custom pet portrait service. Graphite, a mechanical pencil and a hb pencil was used on Derwent sketching paper.
Patternz - Series 3. In this series I'm still sticking with the Patterned backgrounds, but this time they have been carefully chosen to compliment the chosen animal subject, rather than the human portraits of series 1 & 2.
Watercolour crayon, crayon, fineliner and acrylic paint... . . . . . .. ... . ... .. ... . .. ... .. ............ . ... . . The tree is weary crying for some help, its roots are drowning and the taps on full pelt. Its head cant speak the evil, hear the evil, see it. Whilst its occupiers point the fingers at each other and dont even believe it... .. ... . .... . .. .
Pencil with digital color. This is character development for a book + coloring book I'm working on. Reed is also my mascot for the time being. Patreon link to the project is in my profile.
Over the course of a few months, I got to work with Good Karma For All on what you might consider a "passion project". The job consisted of freehand painting murals on every single (large) wall and hand-lettering inspirational quotes all over the inside and outside of the building.
BEING GREEDY CHOKES ANANSI From Favorite Folktales around the world by Jane Yolen. One time, Anansi lived in a country that had a queen who was also a witch. And she decreed that whoever used the word five would fall down dead, because that was her secret name, and she didn’t want anyone using it. Now, Buh Anansi was a clever fellow, and a hungry one too. Things were especially bad because there was a famine, so Anansi made a little house for himself by the side of the river near where everyone came to get water. And when anybody came to get water, he would call out to them, “I beg you to tell me how many yam hills I have here. I can’t count very well.” So, one by one he thought they would come up and say, “One, two, three, four, five,” and they would fall down dead. Then Anansi would take them and corn them in his barrel and eat them, and that way he would have lots of food in hungry times and in times of plenty.