Illustration painted with watercolors and outlined with pink pen. The borders were achieved with washi tape (low tack and unlikely to tear up your paper.)
I'm working on details and silhouettes.
It's the first concept of illustration with a lantern. I'm going to do more in that style with even more details.
Redrawing finished works is an excellent opportunity to develop skills and see progress.
Have a lovely Wednesday!
On that afternoon I'm singing for the last time. I couldn't stand living in this world again Just the expression of my feeling on that day. If you like my art you can buy this art print or other on my shop :
Have you ever woken up from begging "I wanna pee-pee" whimpering closely to your ear? Or from a barking alarm because the birds are singing loudly outside? Yea-ah, dogs are the best alarm clocks... We're sure you'll have a woof-derful week, guys!