A transmundane Tuesday prompt by Carson Ellis (with a serpent tail, in a hat, smoking a pipe). https://www.instagram.com/p/B8NSotBh5I2/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
It's ok to not make sense. It's ok to not follow a pattern. It's ok to be the odd one out.
Life is too beautiful, too amazing, to eccentric, too weird to fit inside someone else's tiny little box of an opinion about you. Break free out of that and live your life on your terms.
Fineliner scribblings on a back ground of paper... . . . ... . . . . . . ..... . ... . . . . . ...... ... . . A rabble of sozzled birds on a tightrope of joy heading towards the puppet master up above. . . .... . . ... . .... .. .... .. ... . . . . Prints are available (16 out of 20 at the time of going to press) . ..............................
From our little part of the world to yours, warmest winter wishes! This piece was created 'Just For Fun' with Colored Pencils. It was so relaxing and enjoyable to doodle one house each evening!
‘the Hunter’ Who is the hunter, the person or the fox? We often assume everything (including the title of this drawing) is about the human being. In this case 'the Hunter' refers to the fox (with the prey in her mouth). There are a diverse world of ‘beings’, all living their stories.
First real art of the year. It took longer than I wanted but I love how it came out. Guess that's what happens when you put time into your projects - go figure. Just a little Copy Cat art from a beautiful, innocent, charming film - Ponyo. What's your favorite Studio Ghibli Film?